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Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Acheivement

The Level 3 Certifcate in Assessing Vocational Acheivement is intended for those who assess both occupational com-petence in the work environment and vocational skills, knowledge and understanding in a workshop, classroom or other training environment rather than assessing competence in a work environment. There must be evidence to cover all of the assessment methods listed in the units.

Portfolio: This course is run on a distance basis and basically consists of the following:

  • A research assignment into the principles and practices of assessment 
  • Based on a set series of questions from across 3 units

An accumilation of product evidence to support criteria across 2 units. You will need a minimum of two learners per unit studied - and will need to provide video footage to support observations of assessment.
A personal statement and access to your CPD/CV for evidence purposes. With TLC – you will get full support from me directly via email, phone calls and text message where required.
This course can take anything from 1 Month - 12 months - dependant on your access to learners and the units or mod-ules undertaken within the qualification.


Qualification Title: Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Acheivement   (Group Discounts Available)
Credit Value: 15
Qualification Structure: D/601/5313 - Understanding the principles and practices of assessment.
F/601/5319 - Assess vocational skills, knowledge and understanding.
H/601/5314 - Assess occupational competence in the work environment
Cost: £595.00 +VAT.

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Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Acheivement  Image